Thursday, April 28, 2016

Week Seven

Biometric Devices

Biometric devices scan and remember unique aspects of various body parts. This can include your iris, head image, or fingerprint. This information is used as a key to prevent unauthorized users from accessing whatever the biometric device is securing. There are many different types of biometric devices, such as:

  • Fingerprint USB thumb drive: has a tiny fingerprint scanner. You slide your finger over the drive to unlock the contents of the thumb drive.
  • Microsoft fingerprint scanner: replaces the standard username and password authentication. When a web site asks for a username and password you simply press your finger against the fingerprint scanner. It will then confirm your identity with special software.
  • Fingerprint scanners: Used to gain access to a specific area, such as a data center. Can be troublesome if a user's fingerprint is damaged or altered.
  • Iris and retinal scans: considered to be more secure form of biometric authentication.
Implementation of biometric systems can be tricky and sometimes expensive. Because of this, biometrics should only be considered for extremely sensitive data.

Biometric authentication know-how: Devices, systems and implementation. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2016, from

Meyers, M. (2012). All-in-one CompTIA A certification exam guide: (exams 220-801 & 220-802). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Week Six

Command-Line Interface

The command-line interface (CLI) is like having an Instant Message conversation with your computer. The computer displays a prompt when it is ready to receive a message. Once a command is entered the computer executes the command, and when it is finished displays a new prompt and information about what it did. To access the CLI you can go to Start, Run and type cmd or command, or on newer versions of Windows type cmd or command in the search box on the Start menu. It can also be found in the Start menu under Programs, Accessories.

Common CLI Commands
dir - Shows you the contents of the directory where the prompt is focused.
cd (or chdir) - change the focus of the command prompt to a different directory.
md (or mkdir) - create a directory.
rd (rmdir) - removing a subdirecory.
ren (or rename) - rename a file.
del (or erase) - delete a file.

Meyers, M. (2012). All-in-one CompTIA A certification exam guide: (exams 220-801 & 220-802). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Week Five

Windows Registry

The Windows Registry contains information, settings, options, and other values for programs and hardware installed on the Microsoft Windows operating system. Every version of Windows stores the Registry files, known as hives, in the System32\config folder and each user account folder. When a new program is installed a new subkey is created in the Registry. This includes the program's location, it's version, and how to start the program.

Accessing the Registry
The Registry can be accessed directly using a Registry editor. To access the Registry editor you can enter either regedit or regedt32 at a command prompt, or by using the Start, Run dialog box. Either command will bring up the same program.

Before Editing the Registry
The Windows Registry should rarely be edited, unless there is no other option. By making changes in the registry you risk breaking things in Windows. For example:

  • Programs may not start
  • Utilities may not work
  • The computer may not boot
To prevent these problems a backup of the Registry may need to be taken before anything is modified. 


Fisher, T. (2015, November 05). What is the Windows Registry? Retrieved April 14, 2016, from

Meyers, M. (2012). All-in-one CompTIA A certification exam guide: (exams 220-801 & 220-802). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week Four

Device Drivers

A device driver, also known as a hardware driver, is a group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the operating system. Device drivers are used for devices such as a printer or an external hard drive. Device drivers communicate with software. A software program explains what it wants a piece of hardware to do and the device driver takes the information and fulfills the request with the hardware. Device drivers are usually installed automatically. Sometimes it is necessary to troubleshoot device drivers, which can be done through the Device Manager on Windows. The Device Manager allows you to view installed hardware, and is sorted by category. Sometimes the Device Manager will show which devices are not working properly by displaying a yellow triangle with an exclamation point over a device's icon. From the device manager you are also able to perform maintenance by updating, disabling, rolling back, or uninstalling a driver.

Fisher, T. (2016, March 16). What is a Device Driver? Retrieved April 07, 2016, from

Hoffman, C. (2013, July 07). How to Use the Windows Device Manager for Troubleshooting. Retrieved April 07, 2016, from

What is device driver? (n.d.). Retrieved April 07, 2016, from